They each had their own favorite spoons, forks, sporks, etc. - of all shapes, sizes and varieties. Some of these I have kept and will occasionally pull them out for our current toddler to use. However, more often I find myself reaching for the old sets of children's silverware that had been given to my previous two kids when they were babies. They are just the right size for chubby little toddler hands to grasp. The fork works much better than the plastic varieties which, although pose no poking risk, do make it difficult to, well, poke the food!
I was very excited when I received the opportunity (thanks to Tara Bucci, a fellow PSMM blogger!) to review a new 3 Piece Baby Set of Oneida. Now Baby would have a set of her own! She has been enjoying using her favorite piece, the fork. She seems to have much more success getting things to her mouth by stabbing them with the fork. When she uses the spoon, inevitably, the food ends up in her lap or if I'm lucky, the crumb catcher pocket of her bib! It is usually at those times that I pull out the trusty fork or encourage reverting to viking style.
I have been impressed with the durability of Oneida over the years and this new set is no exception. It has met and exceeded my expectations and has not shown any ware from multiple dashes to our ceramic tiled kitchen floor! Thanks to Oneida for providing this 3 piece infant Chateau stainless steel set, which includes at baby spoon, baby fork and feeder spoon.
Comes in nice gift box and is great for a baby shower gift!
I think Baby likes how shiny they are and, I admit it, so do I!
There are a variety of gift sets available from Oneida in 3 different designs: Paul Revere, Cubby Bear and my personal favorite, Chateau. I love that one because it complements the Oneida flatware and silver I received for my wedding. With this latest addition to our silverware drawer, now we will have enough to set the table properly for holiday dinners. Once the kids outgrow them, they are perfect sizes for dips, sauces, pickles and other condiments. I know I look forward to using them for years to come and eventually handing them down to each of my children for their own babies!
Disclosure: The opinions expressed are mine and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
I have Paul Revere stainless from Oneida, so I bought a few Paul Revere toddler sets when my kids were little. Baby always had a matching place setting! My youngest is 5, but those spoons get just as much use now! They are perfect for eating fruit cup in their lunches, because the spoon is not heavy enough to tip over the cup (and make a huge mess!)