Tuesday, April 23, 2013


For the past few weeks I have shelved my dryer sheets and have been taking Woolzies Dryer Balls for a spin.  If you're looking for an environmentally friendly fabric softener, then check them out!

Woolzies are easy to use and keep your clothing soft and fluffy for many tumbles.  They advertise 1,000 dryer cycles, but I didn't feel compelled to keep count!  I've been using them for more than a month.  So lets do a little laundry math: 4 weeks = 28 days.  My family of five averages about 10 loads of laundry per week: 28 days X 10 loads = 280 loads over the last month!

Whew, no wonder I'm tired!

So after an estimated 280 loads of laundry my Woolzies Dryer Balls are going strong and keeping our clothes feeling soft.

Woolzies are available for $34.95 for a set of 6 balls on the official website at http://www.woolzies.com/  They can also be found slightly cheaper at various online sites like Amazon.  Considering I pay roughly $4 for a 100 count box of dryer sheets at the grocery store ($40 per 1,000 loads) it works out to be about even for me once I add on the shipping costs to order Woolzies.

If you have allergies, then Woolzies would be great for your family as they are made from 100% pure wool and do not contain any perfumes or dyes.  They are also apparently safe for those who suffer from wool allergies.  As we live in a society that is always looking for "greener" pastures, Woolzies provides a great alternative to the chemical laden dryer sheets or fabric softeners!

The only downside I have found was that the dryer balls did not reduce static as claimed.  In fact, they greatly increased the static electricity, so much so, that I was seeing sparks when I unloaded the dryer!  I did find that once our weather settled more into spring like temperatures the static then lessened.  So if you too live in the chilly North East, consider using these during the warmer seasons.

I would recommend Woolzies if you are looking to replace dryer sheets or fabric softeners with an eco-friendly alternative.  It is also very nice to not have to worry about running out of my usual dryer sheets since Woolzies last a very long time!

Anything to make the laundry pile a little less daunting!

Disclaimer: I received a box of Woolzies Dryer Balls to review in exchange for this post.  All opinions are my own.


  1. I think it's great they are safe for people with wool allergies (like myself)!

    1. Yes, it's good that they indicate it, since people with that particular allergy might avoid them as they are named "woolzies!"
