Monday, October 29, 2012

31 Days of Repetitive Parenting: Day 29 "Let's play a family game!"

As Hurricane Sandy barrels toward us with 90 mile an hour wind gusts, it is a race against time before the power goes out.  How much can I get done before this Frankenstorm hits?!  Cooking, baking, laundry, dishes, blogging....

We've battened down the proverbial hatches, pulled up all the bins from our expected-to-flood basement, brought in our outdoor kitty, and stocked up on provisions.  Out here in the Philly Burbs, we are out of harms way for the most part.  We do have to be careful of downed trees and flooding which is anticipated to lead to several days (possibly a week or more) of power outages.

With the prospect of losing power, comes the prospect of playing many a family game by candlelight.  Already, Bud has been asking who will be ready to play Risk when the power goes out!

Our risky choices: LOTR, Star Wars or Original

Over the years, I have lovingly referred to Bud as our "Game Boy."  He enjoys playing all sorts of board games, card games and DVD games.  Since he has been able to draw he has enjoyed creating new games and using us as his game testers.

"Let's play a family game!" is repeated often 'round here.  We began early on playing board games with our kids when they were toddlers and now that they are teens they have continued to appreciate family game time.

Cupcake enjoys playing UNO Moo and Minnie's Bow-tique Bingo.  Bud loves to play Settler's, Risk and Monopoly (every conceivable version!)  Darlin' likes Clue, Scene It and Apples to Apples.  Hubby and I enjoy Rummikub, Blokus, Whoonu and Sequence, in addition to the many other games we have introduced to our children.

Our playroom shelves are packed, floor to ceiling, with games.  Having a family game time has always been something we have enjoyed together.  Now that we have teenagers, we have been able to graduate to the more advanced games that may take much more time and strategy.

As the power goes out, the candles are lit, you may just hear us calling to our children over the roar of the wind, "Let's play a family game!It's worth spinning again!

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